Missionary to Thailand
Shari House

My Family
I grew up in a Christian home that has a rich Christian heritage. My family has always played a large role in their local churches. From generation to generation our family leaders have taught us how to love the Lord and seek His face in all areas of our lives. My parents were great examples of letting the Lord direct your life. As a teenager they encouraged me to participate in all activities of the church including various missions trips. It was on these trips that my love for missions began.

My Heart for Missions

Teaching over 1,000 students at Christmas time
By the age of 19 I had taken missions trips to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Kenya. I had a heart for missions and all things adventurous. I graduated from Bible college in 1991 with a Secretarial Certificate and in 1992 with a Secondary Education Degree. As I worked on staff at my home church, Gospel Baptist in Poland, Ohio, I prayed about how the Lord would direct my life. In August of 1993, I was asked to come help a missionary family serving in Nigeria, West Africa. I began deputation in October of 1993, and as they say, the rest is history. I served the Lord in Nigeria, West Africa for 2+ years; in Rotorua, New Zealand for 4 years; in Wanganui, New Zealand for 6 years; and now for over 10 years in Thailand. People ask me all the time how I can go and live in a foriegn country all by myself and not worry about safety and finances. I always respond the same way - "How can you have a better boss than God!" He has guided and directed me every step of the way and has faithfully met my every need. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than serve Him with my life. What a privilege and honor it is to tell the lost of God's great salvation. A life spent for God is a life well spent.
My Faith
I made a profession of faith at the age of four and received assurance of my salvation on August 10, 1987, at the age of 16. Since that time I have endeavored to share the good news of Christ's free gift of salvation with those that He has brought across my path. If you have never trusted Christ as your Savior or if you are confused about how to get to Heaven, click the button below for some Bible verses that will show you clearly how you can know for sure you will have a home in Heaven one day.