Missionary to Thailand
Shari House

International Baptist Church, Hua Hin (3rd church plant)
We started IBC in August of 2012. Over the past six years the Lord has blessed us greatly. We are currently running around 150 on Sundays and meet in a series of rented buildings that are connected. We were recently able to knock down some walls on the bottom floors to expand our auditorium for our growing church. We are waiting on the Lord to provide the funds needed to purchase land in order to build an auditorium and rooms that would suit our ministry better. The Lord blesses us each week with visitors and most every week we see people saved and baptized. This church has already started another church about 45 minutes away from Hua Hin in a town called Nong Plap. What a blessing to see the Lord growing us and using us to reach our community and the communities around us.

My Responsibilities
Some of my responsibilities at IBC are running the music ministry, coordinating special events, leading our yearly Bible English Camp, working with translation projects, running the Junior Church program, helping run the ladies ministries and ladies' monthly Bible studies, handling the church finances, and working in the nursery.