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Heavenly Treasures Orphan Project - Karen Orphanage

While we were visiting the orphanage in Ba Deng last month to distribute the Bibles, I took the opportunity to check out the dorm rooms and sleeping situations of the children. I found them in desperate need of new mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows. Some of the children have a bed, but no sheets. Others have a sheet but no blanket, etc. I began praying about using some extra funds we had in our Heavenly Treasures Orphan Project funds to see if I thought the Lord would have us buy some new mattresses and things.

I honestly can't believe how the Lord has directed. I had hoped to buy 10 mattresses, but wondered how I could give 10 kids a new mattress and leave the other 41 without.

Last week, I received two emails back to back within 30 minutes of each other from sponsors in the Heavenly Treasures Orphan Project group who were wanting to donate a chunk of money to a special project. The total came to about $800US. That same afternoon I received word of another $1,000 that was being sent that could be used for this need. So we purchased 51 mattresses, 51 sheets sets, 51 blankets, and 51 pillows!!!

Here is a short video of us delivering the items. This is one of my favorite things about being a missionary . . . being the earthly hands of Jesus.



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